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31 Days to a Brand New Me—Sort of.

This is How Two ER visits, a 911 call and Two weeks in the Hospital spun my life out of control and redirected my path.

Hello Readers,

This is the beginning of many things for me, but on this website, this will be the beginning of my blog, which will not always be about health and well-being as I will dabble in all my life’s loves. Professional, personal and spiritual development, lifestyle difficulties, travel and lots of creative writing stories, prompts, advice, tips and how to make yourself ‘shine’ when everyone else is doing what you want to do with the rest of your life.

But, for now, I need to tell you how I got here.

I have always intended to work on my brand as a writer, teacher, coach, mentor and help others in efforts to better themselves, just as I am trying to do. I was going to research my plan and map out my goals on a year-end trip around Asia.

Okay, actually it was a trip to see my family in Okinawa, to tour Tokyo and Seoul and head to Hong Kong real quick for a research project. Then, on July 17, my life unraveled and spun out of control.

July 17th–A New Beginning

In a nutshell, let me tell you how I spent my summer. I missed people. The outfits and watching people were the things I missed the most. I was vaccinated. I was boosted, and even without a mask, I was positive I was safe.

People are still dying of COVID-19.

I spent 31 days infested with Covid symptoms, resulting in four surgeries, a left leg full of blood clots and the reality that my life may never be the same. No more 5k’s or half marathons, limited traveling and life as a woman whose body would never look or feel the same again.

My 31 days and beyond recovery will not be all about Covid. I blame no one but myself for not masking up when I took a summer job at a very popular Waikiki restaurant. I knew better. You can’t trust others with your health, sometimes not even the doctors or nurses watching over you know what's best for you. You know your own BODY.

These 31 journal entries will be about how to survive, how to thrive when throwing up your guts, and how to not quit when all seems lost.

So come on for the ride and a quick look into the life of a patient on the verge of misery at its finest. Can you fight your way back? Of course you can, I did. I fought my way back to sanity by not giving up, but by staying positive and by seeing the light through the murky black-red blood.

As of now, day 55 since the incident, I am recovering and life looks grand.

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